H.U.M.P. Day (Happily Unveiling My Purpose)

Happy H.U.M.P. Day! (I'll do better about posting on time lol)

On Monday, you figured out what motivates you. On Tuesday, you thought about how you can use your talent to help others. Today (yesterday), we will unveil your purpose based on your motivation and talent...

Recap: I'm motivated by helping kids tap into their greatness, and my husband is motivated by teaching skills to young men.  My talent is writing and speaking.  My husband's talent is being and artist and a speaker. Are you ready for me to Happily Unveil My Purpose??

Here goes...

My purpose is to use my books, editing, and personality to encourage others, to rebuild family connections, to promote literacy, and to help others tune-in to their greatness. My purpose is to make YOU better!

The thing is, all of us are great at something, but not all of us are brave enough to quit our jobs and rely on greatness to pay the bills (my story lol). We are used to working for others and stressing behind the EXACT things that stressed our parents (like bills, kids, BILLS, bad bosses, conniving coworkers, andBILLS - generational curses).  We believe life is about snoozing our alarm clocks three times before we get up rushing to work and having road rage so we won't be late for the umpteenth time. We believe life is about working hard to prove our loyalty only to be skipped over for a promotion (the straw that broke the curse that was on my life - PRAISE BREAK).

What if I told you that there's more to life than those crazy things that I just mentioned? Would you believe me if I told you that you hold the key to unlock your life of abundance?

If you refer back to my October 31st blog post, I gave you a few pointers on how to obtain your W.I.N.G.S. (Winning Intentionally, Naturally Gaining Success [I love acronyms lol.]) Quit daydreaming and start living your dream! I stepped out on faith on May 15, 2015, and my 3rd, yes THIRD, book will be released on December 18, 2015. Mind you, I had only been married for 13 days, and we returned from our honeymoon a week before I resigned. I was wedding broke, but I was FAITHfully rich! (PREACH!) God placed me in the presence of some AMAZING PEOPLE. I sold out at my book signing, my Junior High principal purchased a book for each of his students at his school, a book club that ships as far as AFRICA and beyond paid me to add my book to their collection, and a few magazines have reached out to me as well. 

Did I mention that I have editing clients in 10 different states in the United States? Oh and one of my clients in Boston as well as a colleague who has 7 books (and at least 3 Amazon bestsellers), have both named me as the editor for their publishing companies? [Don't you dare tell me what God and Faith won't do!]  Ohhh and my coloring book reached the #3 spot on the Amazon Bestseller's list while my book reached #63 out of millions of books... Are you convinced yet??

Admit what motivates you, realize your talent, and then unveil your purpose!


Posted on November 19, 2015 .